LearnLab Vocational Job Skills Training Equipment, Simulators and Curriculum.


Ever wonder where those big college training panels come from?
You Just Found Them!

Training System Information & Specifications

LearnLab’s training equipment offers welded steel frames, mill-finished aluminum panel faces, laminated full color faceplates for durability, and industrial grade components to insure years of use in a student classroom environment. The components on the training equipment are real industrial devices – some may be modified or altered to aid in the teaching ability of the subject matter. Industrial devices are either new or refurbished devices such as PLCs, VFDs, starters, motors, pumps, etc., and are covered under our normal warranty. They are sold to be used for training purposes only.

Table Top Unit Specifications:
Average Weight: 35 pounds.
Height: 26 inches.
Width: 24 inches.
Table Footprint: 24 inches by 24 inches.
Power Requirement: 120 vac 1-4 amps

Electrical Training Systems