Hydraulic and Fluid Power Training System

What is hydraulic and fluid power training?
LearnLab’s Basic Hydraulics Training System provides a dynamic Hands-On approach for teaching maintenance, engineering, and service workers about the fundamentals of hydraulic fluid power systems found in industry. Hydraulics are found throughout factories, industrial facilities, vehicles, farms, even elevators and other equipment found in heath care and office facilities! This hands-on training panel features real hydraulic components and real hydraulic fluid power so students actually learn by doing.
What's Included?
The training system includes the high quality training panel with all of the most common hydraulic components as shown below. This heavy duty training simulator is fully self contained with an onboard pump and reservoir. Everything you need to construct dozens of “Real World” hydraulic circuits and emulate many types of fluid powered machines and equipment in use today!
- Hydraulic Motor
- Hydraulic Accumulator
- Two Hydraulic Two Direction Cylinders
- Hydraulic Directional Control Valve
- Hydraulic Flow Control
- Hydraulic Pressure Indicator/Gauge
- Hydraulic Supply Pressure Manifold with Gauge
- Hydraulic Fluid Return Manifold
- Piloted Electric Over Hydraulic Valve
- Motor and Valve Control Panel
- Hydraulic 120 Volt Power Unit & Reservoir
- Quick Disconnect Hoses
- Fiberglass Residual Fluid Catch Pan
- Up to 16 Hours Basic Hydraulics Hands-On Curriculum with Labs
- Instructors Guide Manual
- Color PowerPoint Presentation
Training Materials and Curriculum?
Our Training Systems all include the complete Training Curriculum...
But Wait! LearnLab Offers 3 Great Course Delivery Options!
LearnLab Academy gives you the option and ability for students to take the course online either in a classroom setting or individually.
Three Easy ways to conduct your class!
- Instructor Led: You teach the curriculum from the PowerPoint and Workbooks provided and lead the class.
- Online Hybrid: You display our online LearnLab Academy course to the class and you just “Facilitate” the course.
- Student Self Paced: Students take the online course, once they’ve completed it, you facilitate the Hands-On Portion in a class setting.
Watch this 90 second video that explains the three ways to teach with LearnLab!
This Hands-On Training System is complete with the following teaching materials on a USB thumb drive:
- The Instructor Notes (PDF)
- The Students Workbook (PDF)
- The PowerPoint Presentation
- Classroom Handouts
The LearnLab training systems are designed to be instructor- led in the classroom by an industry professional or someone with an understanding in the subject matter.
Or, Online…
Choose our online “LearnLab Academy” and get an exclusive online training course that offers the following benefits:
- Designed specifically for this Hands-On Trainer
- Professionally delivered course material
- Consistent information delivery, every time
- Best utilization of the Hands-On Labs
- In-course online quizzes and testing
- AACET accredited certificate upon successful completion
- Low cost subscription enrollment or one time payment options
- Automatic course updates and regular enhancements
When you take advantage of the exclusive online training courses offered on LearnLab Academy, you benefit by:
- Designed specifically for this Hands-On Trainer
- Professionally delivered course material
- Consistent information delivery, every time
- Best utilization of the Hands-On Labs
- In-course quizzes and testing
- AACET accredited certificate upon successful completion
- Low cost subscription enrollment or one time options
- Regular course updates and regular enhancements
Who'll benefit from this training?
- Fluid Power assembly and manufacturing workers
- All levels of maintenance & technical workers
- Vocational based High School and Trade School Students
- Mechanical Engineering Students and Technicians
- Machine & process operators
- Construction equipment maintenance and trades workers
- Many more…
What will they learn?
This course combines a high level of information about the types of hand tool, how they are designed to be used, how they should not be used, and how to use them safely. Through the process of learning to physically use these hand tools in combination with the hands-on training panel, students will learn the following processes:
- Screw, bolt and nut types and sizes
- Hex, Torx, Square, Allen, Slotted, Philips, Thumb fasteners
- Fastener coatings and hardness
- Over-tightening and torque specifications
- Setting and applying torque ratings
- Adjusting gaps and setting gaps
- Leveling techniques
- Proper Squaring and reading a Steel Square
- Measuring with fractions and decimals
- Roll pin installation and removal
- Shaft collar positioning, installation and removal
- And much more…
Are you ready to "Fast Track" your training program?
LearnLab’s award winning training systems are in stock and ready to ship today!
Order now online or call for more information… 800-381-4389