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Our Content & Curriculum Policy

The content usage policies are as follows:


The curriculum and the instructional materials included with each of the LearnLab Training Systems are designed to be used in conjunction with the training panel that was purchased by the sole original purchaser on the training system. If you are the company or person who purchased the physical training equipment from LearnLab or from an authorized distributor of LearnLab products, you have limited rights to copy, print and use the included material in your normal training operation and process.

However, These items may not be distributed in any way or means to any entity, person, or company not directly related to the original purchaser. These materials are copyrighted and will be protected by all legal means necessary. Your purchase and use of these materials are solely based on you agreement to abide by these general use agreements. All rights in defense of errors and omissions apply.

Unfortunately, any curriculum or software cannot be returned for refund due to the nature that once opened, could be copied and there is no guarantee that the end user would not simply retain a digital copy for use once the original has been returned. The curriculum is a large portion of the value of the LearnLab training systems.


All software provided and licensed by ITU Corporation and or LearnLab remain the sole property of those same entities. All rights in defense of errors and omissions apply.

Software such as PLC programming software that is supplied by third parties and offered complimentary by ITU-LearnLab is not warranted in any way and is the sole property of the authoring parties. ITU-LearnLab does not share any liabilities in any way from the use or delivery of such software.

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