LearnLab Hands-On VFD Training

VFD Training System

VFD Variable Frequency Drives Training System

High Pitched Squeal?    To Slow?    To Fast?    Can’t Program it?    Keeps Failing?    To Hot?

VFDs are a “Huge” benefit if they are set up correctly, AND if you have someone who can set the parameters correctly and troubleshoot them!

Here’s the solution to all things VFD! This effective hands-on training system will help train your people to understand, program, and repair almost any brand of VFD! 

What is it?

LearnLab’s VFD Training System will teach you how to understand and work on real powered electrical circuits that include a Variable Frequency Drive to control the three phase motor. Also known as adjustable-frequency drives (AFD), variable-speed drives (VSD), AC drives, micro-drives or inverter drives. VFD technology is often used to control the rotational speed of 3 phase electric motors in ventilation systems (HVAC) for large buildings to control the drive motors on fans. This helps manage the volume of air moved to match the demand of the system. VFD’s are also commonly used on pumps, machines, and other tool drives.

The Instructor will easily become familiar with LearnLab’s VFD training material and be able to instruct students on how to complete circuits and fix “real world” VFD bugs or failures in the circuit. Using the methods learned in this class, students and workers will use their meters and instruments to find and actually be able to diagnose problems.

The VFD Training System Includes:

  • Industrial Panel Indication
  • Ice Cube Control Relays
  • Industrial Stop-Start Controls
  • Selector Switches
  • Three Phase Motor
  • Rheostat Control (0-10v & 5-20ma)
  • Wye wound three phase induction motor

LearnLab’s Training Systems are a must have for hands-on learning and electrical training. Train one or multiple workers at one time.



